Oon taas huomannu miten kiva olis kirjotella.. enää tän blogin nimi ei oo kuitenkaan paras mahdollinen, koska eihän se ole enää se ainut asia jota haluan. Toisen blogin alottaminen vaan tuntuu jotenki niin hankalalta, eli harvatkin lukijat koittakaa kestää.
Tän kuluneen viikon aikana oon kuluttan ihan liikaa rahaa.. menee aika tiukille varmaan enne seuraavan rahaerän tuloa :/ mut jotain hyödyllistä kuitenki et sain ostettua aivan ihanan nahkalaukun :) (ja oon siis kauan ettiny sellasta kestävää ja käytännöllitä, lähes joka tilanteen laukkua). Pari paitaa, ne sellaset kukkaverkkosukkikset, uuet puuvillasukkikset ja kynsilakan. Siinä ne tais olla..
Tänään oli tarkotus haravoija porukoitten pihalla, mut eipä toi sää oikeen ollu samaa mieltä.. Leivoin sitte päivällä korvapuusteja ja mussutin kaakaon kanssa mmm. Illa tuli tehtyä reilu tunnin lenkki koiran kanssa huonosta ilmasta huolimatta. No oli ainaki happirikasta ilmaa ku sato :)
Apa Yang Harus Dilakukan Setelah Melahirkan
11 kuukautta sitten
1 kommentti:
How can i carry away windows xp from my laptop and reinstall windows Me -the laptops native software?
I procure recently bought a acquainted with laptop that is old. The living soul I had bought it from had installed windows xp on it, regular yet it at came with windows Me. I want to expunge the windows xp because it runs slows on the laptop because it takes up more tribute than the windows Me would. Also I need to remove windows xp because it is an forbidden copy. So when I tried to stir one's stumps updates on it, windows would not initiate updates because the windows xp is not genuine. [URL=http://zbjwwcg.tripod.com]advancing alaska glaciers[/URL]
Answers :
It's more advisedly to take one's leave of [URL=http://yomucsy.tripod.com/mardi-gras-flashers.html]mardi gras flashers[/URL] Windows XP and just upgrade your laptop. It's much better. [URL=http://uhcrhif.tripod.com/age-related-macular-degeneration-tv-advertisements.html]age-related macular degeneration tv advertisements[/URL] In addition, Windows XP is way [URL=http://nuszbaw.tripod.com/vernon-canadian-reformed-church.html]vernon canadian reformed church[/URL] heartier then Windows Me. Windows Me is out and divers programs that can hustle with XP, can't [URL=http://lerrekf.tripod.com/royal-solaris-cancun.html]royal solaris cancun[/URL] vamoose with Me.
all you take to do is insert the windows me disk into the cd drive. then reboot your laptop, when the coal-black [URL=http://tkztghx.tripod.com/geomagnetic-mapping-of-terrain.html]geomagnetic mapping of terrain[/URL] shield with all the info comes up and when it asks u to boot from cd [URL=http://boixpau.tripod.com/choux-pastry.html]choux pastry[/URL] hit any latchkey when it tells you to then install from there !!! I RECOMEND SINCE ITS AN ILLEAGLE TWIN TO WIPE [URL=http://nuszbaw.tripod.com/vhf-radio-supplies-in-canada.html]vhf radio supplies in canada[/URL] MANIFEST THE [URL=http://nuszbaw.tripod.com/vg-delux-upgrade.html]vg delux upgrade[/URL] THOROUGH TIRING SEND WHEN IT ASKS YOU WHICH IMPENETRABLE [URL=http://keuqiia.tripod.com/spaulding-high-school-vermont.html]spaulding high school vermont[/URL] DRIVE TO POSITION IT ON. THEN SUM ALL THE FREE SPELL ON THE EMPTY [URL=http://lerrekf.tripod.com/royal-lahaina-resort-maui.html]royal lahaina resort maui[/URL] REALISTIC CONSTRAIN ONTO A NEW ORDER FINGERS ON, IT WILL LOOK LIKE C:/ Raw or something like that
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